Contact Us2024-06-25T09:04:54+02:00

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Refshalevej 213A, 1. sal, 1432 Copenhagen K, Denmark

Office hours: 9:00 – 17:00

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800 Maine Ave SW, Suite 200 Washington, DC 20024

Office hours: 9AM. – 5PM.

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These questions and categories are designed to provide a comprehensive overview of Dentli’s services and how they benefit dental clinics and orthodontists

Service Overview

What digital services does Dentli offer for dental clinics?2024-03-27T11:41:51+01:00

Dentli enhances dental clinics’ online presence through digital marketing, website development, and patient engagement tools. Their services focus on improving visibility, patient feedback collection, and optimizing digital content across platforms.

How does Dentli assist in improving patient-dentist relationships?2024-03-27T11:42:42+01:00

Through tools like Trustbuilder, Dentli gathers patient feedback to enhance service quality. By maintaining active and informative digital channels, they foster ongoing engagement, improving the patient-dentist relationship outside clinic visits.

What is Dentli’s approach to enhancing dental practice performance?2024-03-27T11:43:02+01:00

Dentli offers advisory services to optimize practice management, integrates technology for efficiency, and employs targeted digital marketing to attract and retain patients, thereby boosting overall practice performance.

Getting Started and Contact

How can a dental clinic start working with Dentli?2024-03-27T11:49:10+01:00

Clinics can initiate a partnership with Dentli by contacting them through their website, where they can express interest in services and schedule a consultation.

What are the steps involved in initiating a partnership?2024-03-27T11:49:25+01:00

The partnership process involves consultation to understand clinic needs, proposal of customized digital solutions, and agreement on services before implementation and ongoing support.

Who to contact for more information or to schedule a consultation?2024-03-27T11:49:40+01:00

For more information or to schedule a consultation, clinics can reach out directly via Dentli’s website contact form, ensuring a personalized approach to their digital enhancement needs.